After spending two weeks at the Nakavango Conservation Centre in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, we have created a list of ten things we found essential to our survival!…
At least one full khaki outfit including a cap and a pair of Courtney boots (you’ll be Peter’s best friend… but don’t arrive in it)
- Camera: a maximum of ten pictures of an elephant – be a traveller not a touristÂ đŸ™‚
- Sun cream (do not underestimate a Zim winter)
- Ipod and headphones for the evening campouts (you will need music to disguise the lion roars metres from the tent)
- A very strong bladder! (Avoid going in the bush at all costs)
- A good knowledge of the local lingo… Shame, Ya, Just now, Now now
- Oxygen tank for white-water rafting (you will spend more time in the Zambezi River than in the raft)
- 20/20 vision, or if lacking, bring glasses (some things really are camouflaged – like the big elephant a metre away from the vehicle that Flora could not see?)
- Basic knowledge of the wildlife (so you don’t mistake a hippo for a rock – Suzy?)
- Full safety briefing before venturing into “Shoestrings” on a Saturday night. This, Brenda will happily advise you of đŸ™‚